Rifts Character Generator: Energized and Rifts Boston Update!
Update: Rifts Character Generator
I put my Rifts Character Generator on hiatus for a bit. I was getting frustrated getting certain things to work. Then a follower of my blog (I didn’t know I really had any!) reached out and described the character generator that he is working on. We exchanged ideas and it energized me. Now I want to go back to working on the character generator! So stay tuned for more updates on that.
Allen (the follower) and I are taking very approaches to the character generator. I’m writing a web app, while he is using Excel. Both have their pros and cons. Besides, I know very little about Excel/spreadsheets, and Allen isn’t a programmer. But the exchange of ideas (and frustrations!) has been helpful. He made me take some factors into consideration that I hadn’t thought of. For example: situational skill adjustments. (If someone is Flying, their stats may change, etc…) On the other hand, I pointed out Black Market concepts to him. And our approaches to calculating stats such as attribute bonuses are totally different, but they both work.
I had trouble getting my latest iteration of the character generator to work. I set it up so that you have to authenticate to use it. Fine. But somewhere, I broke authentication and I couldn’t get the app to work. The app is tied to the authentication system so, without authentication, you can’t even load the app. The simple remedy is to fix the Login page, which I did. It just wasn’t the quick-and-simple fix I thought it would be.
Rifts Boston
Boston Skyline
In other news… I’m running my Rifts Boston one-shot at TotalCon in mid-February! I ran this at the last Palladium Open House. I’d give that session a 6.5 out of 10. The players had a good time, but it definitely needs some tuning. I’ve been working on that and hope to publish it here as a module. The TotalCon event will be a good play test of the changes I’ve made. I won’t tell them they’re playtesters though!
I’ll let you all know how it goes!