Skill Bonuses Are Frustrating
I’m frustrated.
I continue to work on my Rifts character generator, but I’m having a difficult time implementing Skill selections. In a previous iteration of this project, I had skill selection working. However, the technology I’m using now changes things a little bit, so I need to re-architect somewhat.
Right now, you can select a skill, but it won’t take a skill bonus into consideration when calculating the total percentage. That’s not good.
What has improved over the previous iteration, however, is how easy it will be to apply bonuses once I get over this hurdle. Previously, I had to set aside fields for every possible Skill bonus: base skill bonuses, related skill bonuses, high I.Q. skill bonuses, Black Market bonuses, skills providing bonuses to other skills, etc… But now I can simply add a key-value object with any bonus label I want. For example:
“Barter”: { key: “Skill Base”, value: 30}
“Barter”: { key: “Skill Per Level, Level 1”, value: 4}
“Barter”: { key: “Skill Per Level, Level 2”, value
“Barter”: { key: “Skill Per Level, Level 3”, value
“Barter”: { key: “Base Skill Bonus”, value: 15}
“Barter”: { key: “High I.Q.”, value: 6}
Then I would simply use my getStat function to total it up:
const skillTotal = getStat(“Barter”)
Anyway, that’s how it will work once I can structure the database correctly. The way I have it architected now has me painted into a corner. I need to re-encode and structure the O.C.C. JSON data so that I can get the Base and Related skill bonuses more efficiently.
Back to work!