My Christmas Post with Updates

Welp, it’s Christmas Eve!

I won’t go into how the year has been. It’s been a lousy year for everyone, so I won’t go there.

I’m finding myself in a motivational rut. I’m trying to get work done on Rifts Boston, but I am having trouble getting momentum on that. It’s frustrating because D.J. (co-writer) and I have some really good ideas, it’s just difficult to get them on “paper.”

To hold me over in the meantime, I think I’m going to create a catalog of pre-generated Rifts characters. They’ll be posted here for anyone to download and use. I am designing a fillable Rifts character sheet that I will use for them. That sheet will also be available for download. I’ve seen a couple of fillable Rifts character sheets floating around but I don’t like any of them. They’re fine, but they don’t suit my needs.

Completely unrelated, I encourage you to check out a site called “DMDave.” He has a lot (and I mean a lot) of resources available through his Patreon. It’s mostly D&D 5e, and writers provide a lot of available content. Monsters, adventures, a campaign setting, a periodical, etc… I’m going to be running one of their adventures next week: “How the Lich Stole Christmas,” a level-20 D&D 5e adventure. I’ll be honest, I’ve never run a level-20 adventure so it should be interesting, to say the least!

That’s all for now! I hope to have more content up here soon.

Merry Christmas, everyone!

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